Thursday, February 02, 2006

hard month...

we've almost finished the rough animation for our student film!
february 's gonna be extremely hard too...clean-up and inbetween will take time (a lot)!


Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Very nice character!
I'm looking forward to see your animated film.

willipino said...

great drawing. cool clothing design. nice hair. all around, great!

Jeremy Spears said...

Hey man, again great character designs!
I was wondering who does your maquette sculpting, I checked out the Pirats! blog...looks awesome by the way...anyways, I have done a few maquettes in the past but never fired them or anything. Could you tell me the materials and the process you guys use, I'm getting ready to start a new sculpt of the main character in my film. I'm going to link you to my blog!


MikeS said...

Great design on her, best of luck in finishing off your film.

lautrette said...

ca donne envie d'en voir davantage; du cafe, de la zik, des cures dents pour garder les yeux ouverts ... courage pour la finition! ici , a Dreamworks , on attends vos films comme des croissants chauds un Dimanche matin!!!

professeurcheveux said...

merci pour les encouragements! ca fait bien plaisir! et ca met bien la pression aussi!!!
thanks guys!

Martin Wittig said...

Very nice design

Anonymous said...

hayo! tu m'etonnes ! que moi aussi jles attends avec impatience vos pti films! Allez courage !Que la force soit avec toi et vous!:)

Ken Turner said...

sweeet design!!!! more....later e.g.

Unknown said...

cool character drawing!!

heri said...


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